09/10/2018 – MultiCat Monday

Olivia, Pia & Tessa © Colehauscats.com

Olivia, Pia & Tessa © Colehauscats.com

We’re not sure why, exactly, we love this photo so much but we do. It’s not terribly in focus and it’s overexposed because Mom was shooting into the bright light (as usual).

But it has three Colehaus Cats who, less than a month ago, wouldn’t be caught dead napping so close together, let alone on the same surface. So much has changed in just one month’s time, our heads are still spinning.

Out of the photo and farther up the bed, Quint was sleeping under the covers in his usual lumpy-position, Viola was napping on Ruby’s tower and Miss Newton was probably downstairs howling in the foyer because it was three o’clock in the p.m. and that’s just what she does around then.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A Colehaus Cats flashback:

2017 – No post
2016 – No post
2015 – No post
2014Whiskery Wednesday
2013Ruby Tuesday
2012ManCat Monday – For the Love of Boxes

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23 Responses to 09/10/2018 – MultiCat Monday

  1. Rene S says:

    Sending love. It is great that new friendships are being made.

  2. Brian Frum says:

    That’s sure pretty darn sweet!

  3. Life has bizarre twists and turns; some happy, some not. We must enjoy what we can when we can! I love this photo!

  4. It is a great picture. Like family, it’s not always the perfection that real matters.

  5. Katie Isabella says:

    I love the photo too. Especially with its softness. Three pools of cat. Utterly tempting to the touch.

  6. Bernadette says:

    I love it. Cats are all aware of what is happening with each other over time, and now they can rest. I hope you do too.

  7. Summer says:

    Changes happen! Nice seeing them sharing space.

  8. Great family picture ! Purrs

  9. Maybe they sensed that things were in a bit of an upheaval at your house and wanted to show you that everything would be okay.

  10. da tabbies o trout towne says:

    guys….itz been nother ………..
    kinda week; just wanted ta say HI while we had 15 secondz ~~~ ♥♥

  11. It’s nice to see them all peacefully sharing the bed.

  12. That is a fabulous photo!

  13. We love, love, love this picture!

  14. It’s so sweet seeing the gang hanging out together! Changes around the house can make strange bedfellows, can’t they?

  15. meowmeowmans says:

    That’s how life is, right? It’s impossible to know what tomorrow will bring, and sometimes those things are pretty delightful. Hugs and purrs to you all, sweet pals.

  16. i love it too! Very artistic!

  17. It’s so interesting how dynamics change. Maybe Tessa realized her siblings aren’t so bad 😉

  18. Aww, you guys look all calm and comfy there. What happens at 3:00 that sets Miss Newton to howling?

  19. Aww, you guys look all calm and comfy there. What happens at 3:00 that sets Miss Newton to howling?

    • colehauscats says:

      Miss Newton’s howling is just a thing she’s always done. She howls mid-afternoon for about an hour, again around bedtime and then later, around 3 a.m. We originally thought it was a separation anxiety thing, with Dad being at work in the afternoon and later, in the closed bedroom. It might just be a habit with her now.

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