02/04/2019 – Dad’s Around too Much

I love you, Dad, but... © Colehauscats.com
I love you, Dad, but… © Colehauscats.com

Miss Newton: Dad is around ALL the time!

I always longed for this. Now that he’s here, I just don’t know. I used to think of the attention he gave to my brother and sisters as time that would be better spent with me. Now that the reality is here, if it weren’t for brothers and sisters, I don’t know what I would do with him this much of the day.

I hear him and mom talking about how he needs to get a job, and I have to agree! (**Note: He really needs to be at work except for when I need attention, and when I need brushies, and when I need scritchies, and when I need lovies, and… well you get the point.)

All this beauty-liciousness going to waste? © Colehauscats.com
All this beauty-liciousness going to waste? © Colehauscats.com

Pia: I don’t know what all the drama’s about. Dad’s around constantly, but he still doesn’t pay enough attention to me. With all of this cat beauty-liciousness to bask in 24 hours a day, he still watches TV instead of scritching me. And he still works on the computer instead of scritching me. What does one need to do to get her fair share of attention around here? I’ve noticed he is the one that has been doing sheet cleaning and barfie clean-ups and vacuuming and cooking and he tries to brush me more (yuk), but what about petting beautifully constructed lovely fluffness? I just don’t see it.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A Colehaus Cats flashback:

2018 – No post
2017 – No post
2016 – No post
2015One Word Wednesday with Tessa
2014 – No post
2013 – No post
2012A Good-bye

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27 Responses to 02/04/2019 – Dad’s Around too Much

  1. Sounds like you all are enjoying having the Dad around a lot. We hope for his sake, that he finds a job soon. You all have a great day.

  2. Rene S says:

    Change is hard for you kitties. We hope your dad finds work very soon and you and you can go back to your old schedule.

  3. Thank you for the update and OMCs have I been purring and hoping for a miracle for your Dad to come knocking at the door
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. Oh kitties, you are just going to have to pull up your big-girl panties and deal with it! There really is no such thing as TOO MUCH ATTENTION, right?!? Lap it up while you can, ’cause it’s not going to be forever; the winds of change are blowing, and he’ll be out the door soon enough!

  5. Won’t be long before you’ll miss having your dad around. You know that job is just around the corner, we really feel that!!!!!

  6. Summer says:

    I am crossing my paws that your male human gets a job soon! I know how stressful it is when humans are out of work.

  7. We keep purring and crossing our paws for your dad, hoping he gets a job soon ! Purrs

  8. Kitties Blue says:

    Well it is a new routine for all of you; even though, it’s been going on for several months. Take everything from him now that you can get with no complaints, as it will come to an end, and we all hope that end comes soon. Even with retired humans, we don’t get all the attention we deserve! XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  9. databbiesotrouttowne says:

    guyz….due knot take thiz de wrong way <<<<<< but we hope dadz knot at home all de time… veree soon { meenz him haz green paperz; less himz werkin frum home !!! 🙂 ♥♥ now THAT wood bee awesum… hay ☺☺

  10. We hope he gets a job soon but we’re pretty sure you will miss the attention and love you are getting now.

    The Florida Furkids

  11. oh kitties! we are never satisfied with what we have are we!! Though how anyone could choose to watch TV over marveling at feline beauty is beyond me!

  12. It is nice for you to get lots of extra attention, but make the most of it because it won’t last. Your dad is sure to get a job before much longer.

  13. When he finally finds his purrfect job, you will all miss him so much!

  14. Ellen Pilch says:

    Sorry. I hope your Dad gets a job soon.

  15. Enjoy all the attention while you can!
    You will miss it when your dad is busy and we purr very hard that he is busy soon! Sending positive vibes and good juju to him!
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  16. Carolyn Kristof says:

    Um, if your dad isn’t paying your beautifully constructed puffiness enough attention, I am always available to worship the carpet (or ledges, or beds or window seats) that your perfect little toehawks pad about upon! Love always to you, my ginger princess, from your D.

  17. Cathy Keisha says:

    Hmmm, so this is the way it is. My Pop has a job and he’s still home 24/7. He works at home or maybe he pretends to work but I sit next to him and crack the whip if I see him goofing off. HEY COLEHAUS DAD, GET OFF YOUR DOFF AND OUT OF THE HAUS! Hope that helps you guys.

  18. oh my those photos are sooo precious!!!!!!! As much as Dad wants to be working, I have a feeling you are bringing him quite a bit of comfort!

  19. speedyrabbit says:

    Hmm maybe he needs a work from home job that way he can keep busy but still be around to give you all the attention you need,xx Speedy

  20. Hahaha. I’m home all the time … and my cats don’t get enough attention either! Though I suspect they see a whole world of fun open up when I go out.

  21. Humans don’t spend nearly enough time just petting us and chilling.

  22. We know you love having your dad around the house with you all the time. We just hope that he finds a job soon or like someone else was saying in the comments, a job from home. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful day.

  23. When the mom first retired, we complained that she was around too much. But now we kinda like having her here all the time. She can cater to our every whim.

  24. We went through that at our house, too. First Mom was home all the time while she was looking for a job. We kind of liked having her home ‘cuz she went outside with us and she paid attention to us. Then her brother was home all the time ‘cuz he was looking for a job. He didn’t let us go outside and was always on the computer. He did talk to us and made sure we had food and water but he didn’t brush us or pick catnip for us. However, the thing we really didn’t like about either of them being home was that they interrupted our nap times. We hope you are all still getting in some good nap time. We really pray your dad will find that awesome job soon so he and your mom don’t worry. We love you guys and love hearing from you.
    Stereo purrs……….Hemingway and Steinbeck

  25. Brian Frum says:

    We sure hope your Dad finds that job soon, but we know you’ll do your best to keep him busy! Hugs from all of us.

  26. Hopefully your dad will be back at work soon. Then things will be back to normal. Except for Pia who thinks she isn’t getting enough attention already!

  27. meowmeowmans says:

    Well, we’re sorry your Dad’s been around too much, but we think you should take advantage of that while you can. We’re purring and praying he finds a new job very soon! Love to you all.

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