Does This Make Me Look…

[Thank you all for the positive feedback on Quint’s painting experiment last week. We’re in process of setting up shop where he can share his art. More information coming mid-November!]

The Busy Bee.

Maxx’s Favorite Toy – The Busy Bee.
2012 © Colehaus Cats.

Maxx’s ever-lovin’ Busy Bee here. Happy Halloween Day!

Everyone knows I’m the best looking bee around. Sure, I’ve been dragged and tossed and chewed and dunked in the water bowl by my Mancat Maxx more times than I can count. But let’s not forget all the hugging and snuggling I get too. Makes all the ratty fur and washing machine baths worth it, in my book.

Well, it’s that time of year again and soon, the doorbell will be ding-donging off the wall! So many fun costumes! Here at home, it’s time to see which Colehaus Cat might rival me for the position of Best-Looking Busy Bee!

The bee suit is laid out, ready for business. I hear we’ve got some new contenders this year who’ll be trying on the official Busy Bee Suit. Let’s get to it and size up their efforts!

The Busy Bee and the Busy Bee Suit.
2012 © Colehaus Cats.

Quint tries out the Busy Bee suit.
2012 © Colehaus Cats.

First up, this little guy. Sorry, I didn’t catch the name. Cute, long legs, giant ears. When he fills out, he might pose a challenge. I don’t think I have anything to worry about for a few years. Look at him! He’s practically swimming in that suit! Good luck next year! NEXT!

Tessa tries on the Busy Bee suit.
2012 © Colehaus Cats.

Could anyone look more dejected than our next entry? Really, sweetheart, chin up. It’s not that bad, toots. Sure, she’s not a bee; she’s a cat in a bee costume (like technically, I’m a bear in a bee costume – WHATEVER!) Okay, someone get her out of here…NEXT!

Maxx in his Busy Bee suit.
2012 © Colehaus Cats.

Oh, no, no, no. Him again?? Did he learn nothing from last year’s loss? Drats! Nice fit, ears almost in position, too bad that stinger is hidden. Well, all I can say is it’s a durned good thing he’s my favorite buddy and that he refused to sit still long enough for a winning vote. That bit of slimming down since last spring really suits him well. Couldn’t have happened to a better cat. Whew! A close call. So close. But it looks like I’m Top Bee for the third year in a row! Whooooo!

Until next time, America, keep your bees happy! Happy Candy Corn day! Busy Bee out!

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20 Responses to Does This Make Me Look…

  1. Have a Happy Halloween and a wonderful trick or treat.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. CCL Wendy says:

    All of you are very patient, I must say! And all completely adorable in your bee outfit! Let me guess, Tessa must be the Queen Bee. But where is her crown?
    Happy Halloween!

  3. Marg says:

    We have to agree, that all look so great in the Bee costume. Good for all of you to wear that. It wouldn’t have lasted 10 seconds here. It would have been off and away. Happy Halloween to all of you.

  4. You guy’z look adorable..MOL I’d neffer letz Humom do that’z to me 🙂 I run. Have a fantastic Hallooooweeeen and wez hopez you getz loadz of treatz 🙂 xxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  5. I wanted to come and visit you and thank you for visiting me on my Blogspot bloggie but you are in Google+ and mommy won’t use that. So I came here to say fanks you. xoxo

  6. Mol, wez left a comment but it fanished, well it iz Halloweeeen.. Youz lookz just great, I would’z run a mile and a bit, if Humom did that to mez..MOL she can do it to the blonde.( Mollie ) Have a great time and I hopez you getz loadz of treatz 🙂 xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  7. meowmeowmans says:

    We think you all make some fabulous-looking bees! 🙂

    Happy Halloween, friends!

  8. We don’t do the costume thing here at my house – for which I am glad – but I must say you all look super-duper cute in that bee one. I just hope it doesn’t give my peeps any ideas… purrs

  9. happy meowlloween, furriends!! may your day be all treats an’ no tricks!

  10. Sparkle says:

    OMC, that is worse than what we had to wear!

  11. Lucy the Cat says:

    All the kitties there are sure good sports! It was so cute to see them in the bee costume. For that, you all deserve a ton of treats! Happy Candy Corn Day (love that!)!

  12. MOL! You are soooooo cute! The humans tried that on us once. That was many years ago. They appear to have learned their lessons.

  13. Brian says:

    You sure do look terrific! Happy Halloween from all of us!!!

  14. Happy Halloween from us to you!
    purrrs xx
    Sherlock,Ash and Traveler

  15. Wow, you are a cute bee! Happy Halloween!

  16. Father Tom says:

    Happy Candy Corn Day sweetens the whole day for us!

    Cute pics of you all trying on the bee suit..

    Happy Halloween!


  17. Those are some ADORABLE bees!!!
    : ) Katie

  18. Gracie says:

    You are so much more patient than I am. I would never ever let the mom dress me . . . OK you got me . . . she dressed me but not without a fight on her hands.
    Thanks so much for coming to the Tabby Cat Club Halloween/Fall party. I hope you made it home safely. Remember what happened at the party stays at the party.

  19. Mowzers, you guys let them do that to you?!? Allie would’ve protested cuz it wasn’t PINK and I woulda protested just on principle. SRSLY!

    Maxwell: But…I kinda think you guys were cute…

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