Meet the Visitors – Hummingbird Flowers.

Hummingbird in Flight

Hummingbird visiting the flowers. © Colehaus Cats.

Colehaus is fortunate in that there exists a small but wonderful garden brimming with flowers and trees and water and life. There are summer birds and winter birds and sometimes, each extend their stay into the other season.

Our nights are easing into the pre-fall, chilly temperatures but the days remain sunny and dry. The last summer flowers shine now and open their throats to those who visit, like our hummingbirds.

Hummingbird in Flight

Hummingbird visiting the flowers. © Colehaus Cats.

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2 Responses to Meet the Visitors – Hummingbird Flowers.

  1. meowmeowmans says:

    Oh, that is a wonderful picture! We love watching the hummers here!

  2. Brian says:

    We don’t see too many of those cuties at our place, but I did see one once!

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