08/31/2016 – One Word Wednesday

Foster Miss Itty and Quint - 2016 © Colehauscats.com

Foster Miss Itty and Quint – 2016 © Colehauscats.com


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24 Responses to 08/31/2016 – One Word Wednesday

  1. Marg says:

    Watch out Quint, a paw is coming after you. You all have a great day.

  2. cecilia07 says:

    Ohhhhhhhh just a little stretch and you’ll be able to lay tag you are it
    Hugs madi your bfff

  3. Rene S says:

    Heh heh.

  4. Uh oh, Miss Itty had better have an exit strategy, if she’s gonna start something!

  5. Tina Barbour says:

    She almost got you, Quint! 🙂

  6. Katie Isabella says:

    Quit…look up! Hurry!

  7. Katie Isabella says:

    QUINT. sigh…

  8. Summer says:

    Tag you’re it!

  9. Brian says:

    Tap on, tap off, the tapper!

  10. Cathy Keisha says:

    Aw, I think she likes you Quint! Tag! You’re it!

  11. ewok1993 says:

    Juuuuust a little bit more.

    Emma and Buster

  12. Curses! Foiled again!

  13. meowmeowmans says:

    Quint, turn around and look up realllly slowly…

  14. pilch92 says:

    So close and yet so far 🙂

  15. miss itty….uh….we think all most izza good thing ….take it frum uz boyz…..itza good thing ~~~~~~~ ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  16. Flynn says:

    Lean further! You can do it!

  17. Just a little bit more and…BOP!

  18. Get ready for a smackdown!

  19. Noodle says:

    So close!
    Have a super weekend…

    Noodle and crew

  20. Pretinha says:

    Hihi… garota você está procurando confusão!

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