06/29/2015 – MultiCat Monday

Miss Newton, Tessa, and Viola - 2015 © Colehauscats.com

Miss Newton, Tessa, and Viola – 2015 © Colehauscats.com

It’s still a bit warm here, warmer than it should be in June in this Pacific Northwest state. We survived the weekend but only because it didn’t get as hot as it was supposed to but the humidity! And it didn’t even rain here. Not a drop! The kitties probably didn’t notice a thing. We’re very fortunate to have air conditioning, fans, and good blinds on most of the windows so we’re able to keep the temperature inside at or close to 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

So, it’s a day like any other inside and that means naps. Lots and lots of naps. Sometimes, naps with sisters… unless something good is going on elsewhere.

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22 Responses to 06/29/2015 – MultiCat Monday

  1. We can exchange some weather 😀
    I can send you some rain and you send me some sunshine 🙂

  2. Enjoy your naps and keep your noses out of the sun,
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. We had wind, rain and cool temps on Saturday, then the sun came out on Sunday for a pretty day. Hope y’all stay cool and comfy this week!

  4. cecilia07 says:

    Oh we sure do hope you don’t get the same HOTS we have had for two weeks. Thank goodness it wasn’t as hot as predicted there.
    We actually had lovely weather on Sunday and today.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  5. ewok1993 says:

    Oh we didn’t know you live in PNW. Now we know we’re on the same “side” of the country. We are going to get the hots here. Peak on Tues and Wed they say.

    Emma and Buster

  6. Annabelle says:

    Love the photo!
    Hope you’ve cooled off.
    We’re in the “feels like” more than 100 degrees here mode.
    Hot, humid and now rainy.

  7. It’s humid here, too. We love tjis photo.

  8. Summer says:

    Yes, this is definitely nap weather!

  9. guys…..75 izza good number…..way better N 157…either way,..hope de hotz take a hike out ta sea…….N hope yur all dreemin oh perch, flounder & friez when ya get yur naps in ~ ♥♥♥

  10. Naps are good! We like naps, anywhere and everywhere!

  11. Flynn says:

    It is getting hot here too. We are forecast 75 tomorrow which is hotter than I am used to. I think I will find a shady bush to nap under.

  12. What an adorable row of kitties! How does your human get you to line up for photos like that?

  13. It’s been unseasonably cool here…only in the low 70s. Now we know many would like that, but it’s summer, and we really would like it just a little warmer than that. Hope it cools down for you.

  14. Nappin are always good!

  15. pilch92 says:

    Such beauties!

  16. Pretinha says:

    Foto adorável!
    Umidade e calor é uma péssima combinação, mantenham-se dentro de casa no ar condicionado meus queridos!

  17. mochasmysteriesandmeows says:

    Rainy here…which is also really good nap weather!

  18. Fraidy Cats! says:

    great picture! a day of naps = a good day 🙂 it was and is going to get WAY too hot were we are in CA though one small blessing is that there isn’t high humidity. stay cool!

    pip, smidgen, Minnie, hollie

  19. Brian says:

    Y’all really do look great together so nap away!

  20. that reminds me, I need GOOD BLINDS and MORE fans! We do have air but our blinds could be better. Glad things are cooling off for you!

  21. The Swiss Cats says:

    We’ve got a heatwave too. We don’t have air conditioning, but we shut the blinds to keep the house as fresh as possible. Stay cool ! Purrs

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