Wordless Wednesday – No Fear.

Tessa - 2013 © Colehaus Cats

Tessa – 2013 © Colehaus Cats

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28 Responses to Wordless Wednesday – No Fear.

  1. That’s one game we wouldn’t join in!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. da tabbies o trout towne says:

    tessa…ewe bee braver than uz trout towne doodz for sure !!! we hate de vizshuz carrier…


  3. LOL and MOL. Coming or going? Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  4. William says:

    Tessa, we kinda like sitting in the troll box too…except when the door is closed!

  5. Mom lets us keep toys in our “house”. The only time we don’t like that “house” is when Mom takes it to the doctor’s house!

  6. that paw is too funny!

  7. Jessie & Jane says:

    I had to travel in cat box today and I shed the blood of huMum trying to get me into the box *impressed ears* for Tessa being so brave!

  8. Oh we just love that..BOL xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  9. Penelope says:

    Wow! Nothing scares yous!

  10. now THAT…is what we call a Classic Shot. (high paw!)

  11. Bernadette says:

    Tessa, it’s a trap, but not a bad one! Happy WW! Mimi and the Fantastic Four

  12. Whisppy says:

    That’s such a funny picture!

  13. That is truly a pawsome shot!
    Ms. Stella O’Houligan

  14. Sparkle says:

    Tessa, what are you, CRAZY?!

  15. Pretinha says:

    The shipping box is good to play while you are indoors hehe

  16. Maybe you should change your name from Danger Cat to Braveheart!
    I have to admit that I find the PTU kinda cozy, as long as I know it isn’t my turn to go “you know where”.

  17. pee ess: it’s 10 min to 3:00…. I mean 12:00… did you know you have an intruder in the kitty suite? Somebody is reading to somebody… I hope it’s a good book like “Cat Daddy” or “The Dali Lama’s Cat” !

  18. Fearless, brave, a warrior in the making. LOL! Have a wonderful wordless Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  19. Clowie says:

    Testing the floor?

  20. hahaha! like a movie scene….

    Emma and Buster

  21. Wait a minute…you mean you got in that thing willingly?? Without being shoved in???

  22. Fraidy Cats! says:

    d’oh! be careful! as long as that door stays open…
    The blankie on top of the ptu looks familiar – we have one too!

    Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, HOllie

  23. Tamago says:

    My boys refuse to go into carrier when going to vet, but they love to take a nap on or in it 🙂

  24. Timmy Tomcat says:

    Wow you are one brave kitty. Dad has to put the v-e-t box out fur a week until we will do that.

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