02/22/2017 – Not Wordless Wednesday

Miss Newton - © Colehauscats.com

Miss Newton – © Colehauscats.com

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Today’s post is a repeat of a boo-boo Mom created over the weekend but accidentally posted alongside Monday’s entry. The reason why might be more clear after you read the following. Yep, she’s been a bit scatterbrained lately, but for good reason!

“Maybe you’ve noticed, or maybe not, but we’ve been posting a lot of Wordless Wednesday entries lately. And there will be more to come. The reason is that Mom is taking a continuing education college class on Wednesdays in Beginning French which in her words is kicking a certain body part and leaving no time for involved posts.

We’re not sure we like hearing her refer to posts about our sisters Tessa and Miss Newton as being “involved.” Not everyone can be as easy-going and accommodating as the rest of us.

So, why is she taking this class? Is she going to France? Is she moving to Quebec? Did she forget how to speak English, or more specifically, English cat?

Naw, none of these. She’s simply making up for missing out on taking French way, way, WAY back in high school when some students were only allowed to take French if 1) there were open seats left after registration (there never was), or 2) her high school had a French teacher that year.

Also, she says she promised herself she would do something interesting for just her this year. We guess that means lining up for a kick you know where’s interesting! And we thought we were interesting to her!

Who can understand Moms?? Just trying to figure her out makes some of us very, very sleepy. right Miss Newton? Bonne soirée!”

Miss Newton - © Colehauscats.com

Miss Newton – © Colehauscats.com

Miss Newton - © Colehauscats.com

Miss Newton – © Colehauscats.com

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16 Responses to 02/22/2017 – Not Wordless Wednesday

  1. We hope you will enjoy your french lessons Miss Newton.

  2. Stripey kitteh! Too cute. PS: our mom took French in high school. In Florida. She just wanted to be different. She remembers a pawfull of words, the most impawtant being cat in French.

  3. Right on, Mom Colehaus! I took Spanish in high school, then took French in college. I can count in French, and remember a few words, but the rest is lost. I applaud your ambition, and don’t worry ’bout that certain body part!

  4. Pretinha says:

    Isso é muito legal, boa sorte em seus estudos!

  5. Katie Isabella says:

    My mom is threatening to do the same THING! French too. BUT seeing is believing.

  6. Tina Barbour says:

    That’ sounds great that Mom is taking a French class! I would like to learn French someday. My high school offered Spanish, which I enjoyed. But it’s fun to learn something new.

  7. nannanb69 says:

    Good for your Mom for taking French classes. Our Dad took collage classed after he retired. And he took classes in the same field he has worked in for 35 years. Go figure!

  8. Terri says:

    I took a French class in high school. Beautiful language.

  9. Rene S says:

    Good for your mom! Our mom is taking a sewing class now. She says she wants to learn the “real” way to use a pattern instead of eyeballing things. Signed, Benny, Sadie, Ringo, and Lucy

  10. We love that first picture of you, Miss Newton. So adorable! Yay for your Mom about learning something new! It’s never too late and it feels good to challenge yourself even if it sometimes feels like your behind is being beaten. For me, my regret is all the classic books we never read in high school, but I’ve heard so much about. Don Quixote (1000 pages), Brothers Karamazov (1000 pages), Othello (old, old English … UGH!!!), Wuthering Heights … and that’s just a few of the ones I’ve taken on so far. Far better to make up for what we never had than to spend the rest of one’s life complaining about it and doing nothing 🙂

  11. Just Ducky says:

    Mum says she needs to do this BEFORE she visits France someday.

  12. Miss Newton, you look as stunning as ever! What an impressive maw you have. And we think it is exciting that the mom is taking French classes! This human here took courses in Spanish and Latin back in school, but never French. We hope the mom is having some fun with the linguistics!

  13. Cathy Keisha says:

    I’d NEVER allow that! French is not going to help your blog unless she’s thinking of adopting a French poodle or something.

  14. Mark's Mews says:

    Werdless Posties are good things ta do when the Bein is busy.

  15. Good for your mom. Every human should do something just for themselves!. In fact, we think we’ll encourage Jan to do the same. Not to take French, just to take up something she enjoys that would get her out of our house occasionally.

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