02/10/2016 – Just Hanging Out

Miss Newton likes Ruby's Scratcher - 2016 © Colehauscats.com

Miss Newton likes Ruby’s Scratcher – 2016 © Colehauscats.com

Ruby is a good friend of mine and so, she lets me hang out on her scratcher. She’s awesome like that.

Perfect size for Miss Newton - 2016 © Colehauscats.com

Perfect size for Miss Newton – 2016 © Colehauscats.com

I *could* scratch away on it; I can scratch and sharpen nails with the best of them. But I think for now, I’ll just sit here and enjoy how perfect I fit.

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16 Responses to 02/10/2016 – Just Hanging Out

  1. toby & leia says:

    You DO fit purrfectly. Ruby is very nice to share too.

  2. Marg says:

    Miss Newtn, that is a purrfect fit for you. We need to see about getting one of those. You do look very happy.

  3. You look very comfy stretching out there Miss Newton – does your Mom give you and Ruby treats there?
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  4. Rene S says:

    Looks like a good place to snooze.

  5. that does look very comfy for lounging

  6. cecilia07 says:


  7. Wow, Miss Newton! You look fab on Ruby’s scratcher!

  8. It is nice of Ruby to share her scratcher with you. Carmine likes to hang out on his scratchers, too. 🙂

  9. manxmnews2014 says:

    That is so nice of Rudy to share and that is one pawsome scratcher!

  10. How nice of Ruby to let you use the scratcher. We have one of those and we don’t share as nicely.

  11. It fits you like a glove, Miss Newton! Do you think we’ll ever get a shot of you and Ruby snuggling up there? Purrs!

  12. miss newton…sisters are great like that aren’t they…unlike hog brothers like a certain one a shan’t name { boomer } who thinks EVERYTHING belongs to him….including MY food dish……..hhhmmmppphhh hugs girl from dai$y =^..*= ♥♥♥

  13. Summer says:

    Your lounger looks so pristine! Ours is a few years old and shows some wear, although it’s holding up.

  14. we had one like that but Cody hated it!! We gave it to my step daughter’s cats who LOVES it!! catchatwithcarenandcody

  15. meowmeowmans says:

    Miss Newton, isn’t that scratcher the best for lounging? Zoe LOVES doing that here. 🙂

  16. celineoriet says:

    Mine love that lounger too. Sweet nap time Ruby. ❤️

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